Well feeling bore in the hostel, simply passing time , nobody was getting another idea to waste some more time... many khalbali members (B side) were already on the trip to Ooty-Mysore. and the others girls Khalbali god knows what are they doing in LH. now lying in the G lawn we planned a bike ride tour but no body was able to define the target for the drive. Ultimately with lot of destination points we have started out our journey. a great missing our Netaji was not with us this time that because of some previous fixed appointments, which is not good for relations.anyway Neta agreed to be with us in another way(that's secret). Hats off to Neta. then Shinu-Fahad had to attend a compulsory meeting in the G hostel near Kiran sir's room so again busy.
then Jarhead he has so many viewpoints to make him understand that he will not go out of his singlet.
now remaining members from girls Khalbali, we didn't waste time to ask, with preasumed decision. i have one complete semester experience they never even join me for Shangri-la in day time, how can they come for outside trip and thats on the bikes.
In hurry we got the bikes hired from the cheta near to KMCT college. then a sleeping bag with three bedsheets and some other things we have to roam more than a night. so many plans, which to follow has to be decided,
we can travel upto a Guruvayur or some more to Thrisur. One idea to spend night on some beach, other to stay in church celebrating Christmas. so many things in mind. We all came to on decision that we will visit Jesny's home. It will be nice experience for us and great surprise for her.

And we started the bikes from G hostel. the first Khalbali in tour, one of the bike run out of fuel, Pavan was on the bike may be that is the reason he always get something unexpected. Guddu got some petrol from nearby petrol pump and journey started. Our first break was on a Bridge reason to click some photos :)... here are some pictures taken on the bridge

Then we speed up further without knowing the exact destination, i mean we don't even know her home place we just had an idea that its somewhere in between Guruvaur and Thrisur that's it. we than next stopped at a small town in the way where my bike tyre got puncher. it was exactly in front of a Bajaj showroom and gave it to the shop for repair, we had fruit juice at the place and tried to get the name of the place from Ranju (Jesny's friend) without telling her that we are on the way to her home. the name of the place is difficult to pronounce when i cut the phone i forgot the name, i called again and got the spelling which pavan has written on atm slip. then he pronounced the name of place to his best to the shop owner, and after some two three try he got the owner got the name, then he directed us towards the place. then after moving another hour we called Jesny and opened the surprise, at this time we were around 30 Km far from her village, we talked to her father and he directed us the way. the journey was great road was full of traffic of vehicles heading towards Shabrimala temple. Then next we stopped at "Chetua" a small town after Guruvaur. There we purchased a Christmas gift on behalf of Kahlbali, and moved further now next we have to search for the MI Hospital as we were guided by Jesny's father.

After reaching M.I. Hospital we called her and were waiting for her father. We haven't seen jesny's father so by the
time he came to us we were just thinking from which way he will come, and just guessing on the people passing from there, after some minutes of wait, he came and we move to her home. it was great when we entered the village, houses were decorated with lights with some area resembling the Jesus birth scene. it was not only the Christians houses even some of the Hindu's house were also shining with the stars light up in front of there houses.
we reached her home and after that we spend our time in eating cakes, fruits, and some other dishes names i don't know including the my all time favorite "white spongy cake". then we visited her relatives houses in the village there also we got so many things to eat but what to do no place left. then we came back to her home, now its time to have dinner.

Already we have taken so much how to have dinner, but we finally took the chairs on the dinning table and started some of the things were prepared by Jesny herself and was not much difficult to trace when we found more chilly in some of the things. oh ! food finished now what to do next, after having a discussion among ourself we decided to move back to nitc after visiting Church at midnight. some more pics taken at home

After some more gupshup it was time to go to church. and at mid-night almost every christian in the village was at the Church. Prayers started and after saying our heartily wishes to Jesni's family we started our journey. This time we were on air with more than 85km/Hr speed. with a tea break at one fuel station in the way, we reached back to NITC at 4am. Everyone enjoyed the tour to Jesny's home
Merry Christmas
1 comment:
It was totally a different christmas for me and family........thanks all of u for making it wonderful.......in the first u really scared me saying abt ur sudden plan.......for some momnt i was speechless becoz of tension......becoz we didnt prepare anything for dinner since we planned to celebrate it with all our relatives together at my grand parents' home......then for one hour it was a "hurry burry".....but after u ppl reached it was really wonderful.....no tension.....nothing.......only joyful moments....and specially the doll which u all gave me as a xmas gift.....it was awesome....i have still kept it very preciously........one of the happiest moments in my life
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