Yahoo! organized their annual year end party on 27 Feb'09. Being workin with Yahoo! i was invited there and it was gr8 to spent time with Yahoo!'s present at party ....
One fine afternoon i just return from lunch and login to machine at my cubical, all of sudden one guy from HR team came to my station and presented a SLATE and a BATTI.. yeah! this was the invitation for the Yahoo!'s year end party .. as party was named Back to School and dress code was school uniform. I found it cool to be part of such event, same time i found a mail in my inbox inviting to the party with a description of the events to be held there, My manager Narendra has already told me about the party events and as he was aware of my singing talent through my browser he advised me to perform there .. i replied back to juhie asking if i can present a solo song there, but i got reply stating that this time only group performance are taken up as party events are reduced . OOOO bad now i was in a mood if i would have got a chance then i would have made some more people to know me :P...
Finally i got back to work .. one another day i got mail from Teenu asking me to get Karaoke track of the song to be perform... he he he i was happy to get a chance i went to met teenu and told her that i have some songs you can select one you want me perform some more senior Yahoo!s were present there and some other Teams .. i said her that i am not getting karaoke for any of these tracks and that was a problem, it wont be good singing without any music on that big stage. anyway i started the Punjabi dhun which i performed almost every time during my MCA @ NITC i got into to stage. and they all liked it. Now Here come the first friend i got with this event ... sardarji standing just near to TT Table with a thought to start game after song ends up, came forward and after giving a praise for punjabi geet said to Teenu that i am going to my home to get tabla ... yes it would be nice to have Tabla with the song ...

Finally MP i mean Manpreet Singh the sardarji was back with a bag and we got into Yahoo!'s breakout area for pratice yes after matching the taal we decided to perform together .. MP was also performing at Party he was part of three events including my song .. first was the dance and other was a homour skit MAD-ADD in their words .. really their performance was awesome ..MAD-ADD got very popular with Latika. I will update the blog with videos as soon as i will get. it was nice party with all the fun, kid games where all seniors Yahoo! officials were playing like small children .. after on stage events there was crazy award distribution function which was amazing thing then was good dinner with chilled Beer along with ..

Finally all at the dance floor with Dj playing quiet good dance numbers....
Nice Party with gr8 Yahoo!
Nice to listen their way of invitation i.e. slate and batti,reminding our school days.What could be better than it to celebrate our functions in school days actions.Also the Praji incident is very interesting.Who could control oneself if someone is singing the song like Lara lappa,a very famous and sweet song of Punjab.The combo of MP and AP was enough to disturb the Yahoo!..great done guys!
Thank u and keep the name of Khalbali higher n higher[:)]
i praise&salute ur talent bro, goodluck.
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