I still remember the day when i have entered the NITC gate with lot of dreams and happiness. Till my graduation i have not faced ragging but while entering this institute i was planned up that i have to go through the harsh ragging. i was afraid of all that and was sure that if someone will do something wrong with me i will complaint ...
Day one all gone with different orientation programs and at night someone told that our seniors wanted to meet us and all of us have to be there in 10 minutes. They have already approached some of our classmates and have told where to come, after thinking for a while i have decided to join other people and we all moved to G-hostel. Our seniors were crazy to meet to us we all got lined up and they started asking some basic introduction question. after they did it for some 3 students they asked us to continue in the same format. all of us have given our introduction in the format prescribed by the seniors. They have already said whoever feels this is ragging they can leave immediately and they wont be disturbing him, everyone felt OK and stayed there , when we were finished they concluded that none of us is good in expressing ourself and it will be difficult for us to survive if we will stay like this. They have given some instructions to us (not writing here to keep it confidential)...
We used to go their for some 2 weeks than we had a grand welcome party from them. at the starting we find it boring to just sit for the whole night doing nothing or saying some stories, jokes singing and all that that stuff some sometimes they used to shout on us when we tried to escape from the things they used to say .., but the last days were so nice we have got so close to each other may by writing the personal details of everyone in our batch on the white sheets. We had some debates in the G hostel and so many other things which finally improved some or more skills . We have got to know about each other and the relation among us has gone so strong that we never felt that we are far from our home ... No senior never asked us to do any bad things, and our session had never gone to physical. When we used to go to our hostel back at night we have seen so many BTech getting slaps from their seniors. We were never gone into such situation.
I just wanna say ragging is a different thing and we call our welcome session as student development program, and believe me it really helped many of us.
I will write some more about the days sometime later
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Studies for what ?
of course the title of the post is very confusing. Well my idea of writing this blog is to express my views regarding the studies. What should be the motive of the studies ? knowledge ... getting a job.... of getting out qualities within you...
so many things. when i finished my schooling i was a person who used to be involved in all kind of extra activities. learning music, drawing and whatever chance to play any games. i did Karate classes, football and cricket coaching played volleyball and basketball matches, moreover i have been part of the teams visiting for attending any competitions. Doing all these things i have not been able to keep my scores high.
+1 and +2 also gone with same attitude towards studies and i was able to score 59%.
now i was decided that i should not get involved into these many things i left all and started serious studies
i have done a regular hard work and scored 83% in my first semester. i was surprised with my performance but when i looked myself i was changed. I was not the real Amit who was known for some other things, now amit was known as a topper in the class. i dont find it good at all again decided to change my life style back but here it was not easy i was in Hi-Tech city Bangaluru (Bangalore at that time). I made some friends and started playing football. i got some good friends on the ground some of them were from africa having cool good stamina. Then i got a chance to attend a singing competition and not some other got to know me for my voice. whatelse i need i have good friends and nice friend circle. Ofcourse, studies are necessary i studied the things but not with the feeling to score much marks just to get the knowledge and finally i passed graduation with 76%.
Now comes the post-graduation from NITC with full of resources and so many nice friends who are somewhere near to my ideology i enjoyed a lot again leaving the fear of scoring less marks, and just focussed myself to learn what i really need. now at the time of placement my learning process is still continued with a queue of so many things where i am learning from one side and inserting things on the other end to learn ... here also same low CGPA compared to others for myself its enough..
Sometimes i feel bad i should have scored some more marks sometimes i feel satisfied for what i have learned. This was just my style of learning i learned and feel satisfied but coming to comments from the people who may feel my way is wrong i feel something can be done..
Just wanted to know your viewpoint regarding that
do write comments !
so many things. when i finished my schooling i was a person who used to be involved in all kind of extra activities. learning music, drawing and whatever chance to play any games. i did Karate classes, football and cricket coaching played volleyball and basketball matches, moreover i have been part of the teams visiting for attending any competitions. Doing all these things i have not been able to keep my scores high.
+1 and +2 also gone with same attitude towards studies and i was able to score 59%.
now i was decided that i should not get involved into these many things i left all and started serious studies
i have done a regular hard work and scored 83% in my first semester. i was surprised with my performance but when i looked myself i was changed. I was not the real Amit who was known for some other things, now amit was known as a topper in the class. i dont find it good at all again decided to change my life style back but here it was not easy i was in Hi-Tech city Bangaluru (Bangalore at that time). I made some friends and started playing football. i got some good friends on the ground some of them were from africa having cool good stamina. Then i got a chance to attend a singing competition and not some other got to know me for my voice. whatelse i need i have good friends and nice friend circle. Ofcourse, studies are necessary i studied the things but not with the feeling to score much marks just to get the knowledge and finally i passed graduation with 76%.
Now comes the post-graduation from NITC with full of resources and so many nice friends who are somewhere near to my ideology i enjoyed a lot again leaving the fear of scoring less marks, and just focussed myself to learn what i really need. now at the time of placement my learning process is still continued with a queue of so many things where i am learning from one side and inserting things on the other end to learn ... here also same low CGPA compared to others for myself its enough..
Sometimes i feel bad i should have scored some more marks sometimes i feel satisfied for what i have learned. This was just my style of learning i learned and feel satisfied but coming to comments from the people who may feel my way is wrong i feel something can be done..
Just wanted to know your viewpoint regarding that
do write comments !
Saturday, August 16, 2008
My PC in a bottle

One saturday night we had a party and later on i was not able to start the system because of some loose connection the friend was kidding on me saying that u better put this in some box. i felt bad and from somewhere idea came to insert system into the bottle we have finished just before !
you can see the real scotch we enjoyed at night
finally the work started i took some petrol from my bike and diped a rope in that then it was kept on one side of bottle and set on fire, after the rope turned into ash the side wall of bottle came out after as firm shake . then we made other requires hole using same technique, i tool out the motor from my walkman and cut the wings of a old heat sink fan it worked and was used as exhaust fan.

now the major work was done yes we fixed the components and dropped the components we can insert to bottle like Diskdrive tray and the floopydrive

so Here is the final creativity of the night

and the moments to remember the PC was playing my favorite Ghazal

My sincere thanks to the ringo people who made me to write another post for my blog when they have delivered the wrong set of pictures to me and made me think of this whole stuff !
do write comments !
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
G hostel चेट्टा
The man with a smile always on his face, with his presence in the hostel no one ever felt we need a hostel warden or the steward for the hostel. if u have ever been to G hostel you would be knowing the phone attender of G hostel ... for us he was चेट्टा yes that's we normally call to malayali male people.
He was alone enough to take care of big G hostel. It is very sad he is no more in this world. One early morning when he was coming to his duty he slipped and the small incident took his life. he had directly fell down and his neck got injured. Nobody saw him there he was lying there and he was bleeding badly from his neck by the time. When it was noticed he was taken to medical college hospital. Later on we got the news that he is no more.
I am not finding it good to use this news to update my blog but just i am using it as a medium to pass on this to my all who have stayed in hostel
may god bless his soul, we always miss his presence
He was alone enough to take care of big G hostel. It is very sad he is no more in this world. One early morning when he was coming to his duty he slipped and the small incident took his life. he had directly fell down and his neck got injured. Nobody saw him there he was lying there and he was bleeding badly from his neck by the time. When it was noticed he was taken to medical college hospital. Later on we got the news that he is no more.
I am not finding it good to use this news to update my blog but just i am using it as a medium to pass on this to my all who have stayed in hostel
may god bless his soul, we always miss his presence
Here is a picture of chheta taken during Ayyappa Diksha last year
Friday, July 4, 2008
tHe Yahoo! Encounter
This blog dedicated to placements examinations. We were told that our placements will start from 26th of June '08 and the opening company will be Yahoo!
It wont be abnormality to dream myself in Yahoo as everyone has freedom for that, i also dreamed same to get into yahoo .. being involved with so many extra activities in the Campus i have ruined my CGPA, yes although i was good in all things but i was unable to maintain my CGPA level above 7. days were coming near and i was assured that Yahoo wont allow me to write their preliminary test. in all the passed years yahoo keeps that cut off but this time they haven't said anything about the CGPA in the first paper pasted on the Temple's notice. Don't get surprised Temple i mentioned above in the PLACEMENT & TRAINING CELL of our campus, all our Khalbali batch call it as Temple with Pujari ji our Placement Officer Dr. Suresh Babu. and GODs liek Yahoo! Oracle comes and gives prasad. i thing you got the thing. now let me introduce our messenger Mr Bharath Raj, (The placement representative for MCA).
Now the situation was Yahoo! interview is coming near and all my hopes were going down as i was assure that i wont be allowed to write basic test. although few days back the fixed date yahoo has send 7 CGPA cutoff criteria but Bharath was regularly promoting me that i will be allowed but i always felt that he is saying normally.
Finally the day came with somethings prepared i went to the pre-placement talk of Yahoo! and after the talk we went Mr Cheetan, and Bharath made me allowed to sit in the exam by showing my career profile. Then comes the written exam. i haven't done any kind of research job for the Y! test. some people can say this as carelessness not doing my homework but opinion for exams is different i learn in constant way and always write exams straightaway, i feel exams are to check what we have learned in the past time its not that few days before exam start mugging up al the books and put all that onto the papers.
Yahoo! has offered two job profiles as per the paper on temple's notice board and i was interested in "System Administrator" one. i was expecting some linux, shell, perl, little bit of C,C++ etc in the exam. but exam started with postfix, prefix conversion of expression and moved into finding complexity of the algorithms, i was bad at the subject and not at all studied something related in the near passed time. The second section was totally from my interest area, and i was happy doing that except the theory concepts. finally it ended up nicely within timings as there was no -ive marks for wrong ones i have attempted complexity questions also randomly selecting the keywords "LOG" "N" square O etc.
Within an hour results were out only two of the MCAs were shortlisted and my name wasn't there in the list, this was the only time when i felt little depressed because i knew it that if i would have studied some more i could have attempted those complexity question, but soon that thing has gone as there were 2 MCAs selected and we had good hope on them. later on interview rounds started and one of MCAs was out , now the only roll no one was inside Y! recruitment process next to be conducted was programming round next morning. as i am administrator of our MCA lab i with bharath were the first people in the lab. later all Y! team and the 6 under process candidates entered to lab and programming started.
These days i am working on a server project in the lab so i started doing my work, one of the Y! team Mr. Narayan came to me and talked to me, when he got to know about me he was confused why i am not in the 6 students coding there. and i said all stuff i had with me the correct and accurate reasons. i got introduced with another Y! team member Mr Dheeraj and he also asked some basic commands which wa an easy job to answer because these commands are like toys to play in lab. He also said same why you haven't cleared the written, i opened the truth of not preparing properly,he advised me to try offcampus after a good preparation and moved to the other end. i started doing my lab work but in about 3 minutes Mr Dheeraj came back to me and said "you have 10 minutes, you will be interviewed ". i was stunned with those words, i went out of the lab and had a talk with Bharath. He supported me and then i moved into the separate cabin inside lab to face the interview. They started firing question targeting networks, i was answering when it was upto my practiced praticle concepts but after crossing asking commands, troubleshooting problems finally they moved to the OSI layers and i got struck at this stage as i haven't studied any network material in the last past months. When i said some thing in front of that interview panel they asked me try try some thing. i started writing and i have written 6 out of 7 OSI layers, forgot the name of one. Now they started asking some more questions and these questions were hint for me to get the name of that last forgotten layer finally i got the name but coming upto this stage i as bit confused with what all things i was saying. this has made my answering frequency a little slow. any how interview ended up happily. later one of them said me that the girl in their team will do HR round for me. and i was in answering "about me " and my personal interest how i got attached with open source technology and linux. she made me stop at question . she asked lets say there is another company paying same as we will, what all things will make you work with Y!, i replied definitely the brand name , she moved on to next depth of question , if you have microsoft and google on the other side , for this i replied and showed my interest to work with open source now the Microsoft got filtered and my situation was to choose among Yahoo and Google. Now this was the situation i was thinking i must have studied some interview blogs etc so that i can answer this type of questions. i was thinking if i say google is better she might take it against yahoo but if i think of answering yahoo, all newspaper cuttings and the e-news saying google bidding for yahoo flashes to my mind. After thinking a while i replied that i feel yahoo in india is at higher position than google india. Even now also i dont know how she have ranked me for that answer but that was difficult one for me. After that there were some question related to location of work as i was already in bangalore for my graduation that wasn't a problem for me ... finally i was out of the cabin.
Getting out of cabin i was thinking whether my interview will be considered as part of actual process or an extra live real experience for me. Later on they announced the results and Fahad from our batch was selected along with another MTech student. and they have offered me internship@Yahoo ! they took some pics with us and moved to airport.
If there exists any miracles yes this is one in my life !
Expecting your comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
When i came to NITC i was excited to see the LINUX operated systems here in all the labs than later on we were given Andromeda logins. yes, Andromeda MCA's student-faculty server where all of us MCA's have our own space to work on. and then i met two fundoos in our super-senior batch Shivendra and Abhishek. I was in love with linux and i have spent a huge amount of time struggling with my linux so many re-installation and many times data loss. i learned so many things reading tutorials from internet and in case i got struck anywhere than the fundoo's consult. later we got chance to set up LAN in our hostel unfortunately i missed the chance to get administration but ultimately it came to me as the appointed student was from non-computer side and he used to consult us in case of problems and finally some days after he handed over the server room key to me, and i got chance to do some research sort of things, after two or three days i installed linux on the machine being fed up with the virus attacks, and later on with help of another fundoo we did NAT ing on the system and everyone in hostel was enjoying internet thereafter. from that time i was into linux, and same time i got Jayant interested to do similar things and then we together did so many experiments sometimes success and sometime failure i don't remember what it was exactly but day before discrete exam i had solved a great problem, i was into linux googling for the things and when i got the things corrected it was 5am at about and after some time i have top appear for my final exams. it was my foolishness or addiction i can't describe it but i lost my discrete exam in first semester.
learned so many things under guidance of those two fundoos than we organized Nakshatra (All INDIA MCA MEET) for the first time, that was a start we got from our super senior batch. being part of Technical team with Shivendra, some more things got cleared, whenever i went to him with some doubt he has cleared it in minutes as if he has worked a lot on that problem., and then time came when they left the college after finishing MCA now andro administration came in hands of Sunil and Bineet. i didn't had much interaction with Bineet but i have seen great dedication in Sunil and after those two fundoos he was the next person to get things, again in the even the 4th semester we presented second version of Nakshatra and whole event was learning process, this time we worked more than previous.
another interesting thing i would like to point out, during first semester Andro Admins were having long hairs styles , at that time we both myself and Jayant have also kept long hairs, continuing Shivendra and Abhishek, Sunil Saini also kept long hairs for a long time. later jayant has cut his hairs but i am still having the hairs i starting growing at that time, and i don't have any future plans to cut my hairs , i am having longest hairs in the campus. of course among boys , but there are girls having short hairs than me ...
now at the middle of this 4th sem finally all the wait is over and i have root password of ANDROMEDA, yeah myself and Jayant has been chosen as the admins for this coming year
and this is the first work i have done on Andromeda is cleaning of the machine, it was too much dirty, prashant appointed DELL engineerer in the campus helped for that and now publishing this post from Andro machine ..
will be back with another post very soon ............
learned so many things under guidance of those two fundoos than we organized Nakshatra (All INDIA MCA MEET) for the first time, that was a start we got from our super senior batch. being part of Technical team with Shivendra, some more things got cleared, whenever i went to him with some doubt he has cleared it in minutes as if he has worked a lot on that problem., and then time came when they left the college after finishing MCA now andro administration came in hands of Sunil and Bineet. i didn't had much interaction with Bineet but i have seen great dedication in Sunil and after those two fundoos he was the next person to get things, again in the even the 4th semester we presented second version of Nakshatra and whole event was learning process, this time we worked more than previous.
another interesting thing i would like to point out, during first semester Andro Admins were having long hairs styles , at that time we both myself and Jayant have also kept long hairs, continuing Shivendra and Abhishek, Sunil Saini also kept long hairs for a long time. later jayant has cut his hairs but i am still having the hairs i starting growing at that time, and i don't have any future plans to cut my hairs , i am having longest hairs in the campus. of course among boys , but there are girls having short hairs than me ...
now at the middle of this 4th sem finally all the wait is over and i have root password of ANDROMEDA, yeah myself and Jayant has been chosen as the admins for this coming year
and this is the first work i have done on Andromeda is cleaning of the machine, it was too much dirty, prashant appointed DELL engineerer in the campus helped for that and now publishing this post from Andro machine ..
will be back with another post very soon ............
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