Friday, August 29, 2008

Studies for what ?

of course the title of the post is very confusing. Well my idea of writing this blog is to express my views regarding the studies. What should be the motive of the studies ? knowledge ... getting a job.... of getting out qualities within you...

so many things. when i finished my schooling i was a person who used to be involved in all kind of extra activities. learning music, drawing and whatever chance to play any games. i did Karate classes, football and cricket coaching played volleyball and basketball matches, moreover i have been part of the teams visiting for attending any competitions. Doing all these things i have not been able to keep my scores high.
+1 and +2 also gone with same attitude towards studies and i was able to score 59%.

now i was decided that i should not get involved into these many things i left all and started serious studies
i have done a regular hard work and scored 83% in my first semester. i was surprised with my performance but when i looked myself i was changed. I was not the real Amit who was known for some other things, now amit was known as a topper in the class. i dont find it good at all again decided to change my life style back but here it was not easy i was in Hi-Tech city Bangaluru (Bangalore at that time). I made some friends and started playing football. i got some good friends on the ground some of them were from africa having cool good stamina. Then i got a chance to attend a singing competition and not some other got to know me for my voice. whatelse i need i have good friends and nice friend circle. Ofcourse, studies are necessary i studied the things but not with the feeling to score much marks just to get the knowledge and finally i passed graduation with 76%.

Now comes the post-graduation from NITC with full of resources and so many nice friends who are somewhere near to my ideology i enjoyed a lot again leaving the fear of scoring less marks, and just focussed myself to learn what i really need. now at the time of placement my learning process is still continued with a queue of so many things where i am learning from one side and inserting things on the other end to learn ... here also same low CGPA compared to others for myself its enough..

Sometimes i feel bad i should have scored some more marks sometimes i feel satisfied for what i have learned. This was just my style of learning i learned and feel satisfied but coming to comments from the people who may feel my way is wrong i feel something can be done..

Just wanted to know your viewpoint regarding that
do write comments !


vipin said...

it was nice to read this article.But somewhere i think that we have to follow the so called 'system ' for that we have to adjust ourselves into this . we have to manage time such that its not only study but we can get time to do things of our intrest.

anyway this was my thinking....

Anonymous said...

think i can write a big blog on that topic,
coming from a business family education was not that a big deal for them"do what ever u do... but u have to pass out.." that is all they expected from us.. so it was easy for me.. i use to fool around..and do what ever i loved to do...learned singing, dancing, drawing even how to holed a violin . played basketball ,baseball. and even got a chance to rep .. south zone for marathon and javelin throw.. and did get 2 silver..if u look at my so called education..i did com in my my +2 with computer.then my degree i did history main with French as my 2nd lang .. then i did my interior designing .. now my u see y ppl say i am craz... hahha..seeing my track record.. one of the HRM people(a good friend of mine) asked me y dont i follow a path.."i said.. if was to do things like the all the others before me fallow a path get top marks..get a great job.. many lot of money .. then retayer at a very young age .. so that i can enjoy my life and do what ever i loved to my life....but the truth is that i am doing it.. i am living my life.. doing what i love to do.. so what is the point wasting time" so my friend .. live ur life, love it and just dont worry there will be 1000 and 1000 of ppl better then u.. it dont mean u is just a battle .. the war is not yet over

Bharath Raj Soma said...

Its good , but I think we can run the things paralelly

try to think abt it

Ranju Shreya said...

This post seems like u r giving explanation to somebody, why u got less marks.
If marks never matter to u,don't bother.U urself saying U can manage many things at a time.then y to ask other's opinion? If U think studies is important,get marks...

Only one thing to say... "Be Your OWN Kind of Champion..." And U are...!!!